Temporary & Permanent Buildings
Use EverBlock® To Build All Types of Modular Structures

Walls are created by staggering blocks in a brick pattern. Create in-plant offices and in-plant buildings and install standard windows, doors, lighting, and air conditioning units.
Everblock® is designed to be modular, so you can create a variety of temporary buildings and structures and change, expand, or disassemble them as required.
Blocks can be stacked, staggered and turned to create all types of modular buildings. From temporary offices to housing facilities, and from storage sheds to guard shacks, you can construct all types of customized structures to meet your specific needs.
You aren't limited to any particular configuration or design and can construct buildings that vary according to specific site needs.
In-Plant Offices
Modular Buildings
Housing Units
Guard Shacks
Ticket Booths
Equipment Enclosures
Interior room dividers and pony walls.

Create all types of modular structures, ready for simple insertion of replacement windows and doors.

Create in-plant offices that can be relocated or reconfigured at a later date. Add doors and windows as needed as well as lighting and other accessories.

Single-handedly create incredible modular buildings inside and outside, using EverBlock modular building blocks. Alternate colors to match corporate or factory themes and to build beautiful interlocking structures that are durable yet may be re-configured and moved.

Install finishing caps to provide a smooth finished surface for your creation. Caps cover connector lugs and complete your construction.

Add doors of various types inside and outside your structures
Create unique modular structures and modular buildings for decorative and real-world use

Modular offices at construction sites, drilling sites, and especially remote sites, are all possible with EverBlock, which ships compactly to the site. The above unit ships on 6 standard 40"x48"x72" pallets. Fit 3+ units in a standard 40ft ocean container and 4+ units in a standard 48ft or 53ft truck.

Use to build modular buildings, temporary buildings, modular structures, and portable structures including guard shacks, offices, and meeting rooms.

Create durable modular buildings and temporary and semi-permanent structures.

EverBlock is durable and you can even use them as supports for most RV's and modular homes, in place of cinder blocks. They are a great alternative to traditional plastic leveling blocks.

Need Flooring For Your Modular Building?
We offer a complete line of modular flooring for temporary and permanent use.